Sunday, August 4th 2024, 6:30 pm
Sunday, September 8th 2024, 6:30 pm
Sunday, October 6th 2024, 6:30 pm
Sunday, November 10th 2024, 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 8th 2024, 6:30 pm
Sunday, January 5th 2025, 6:30 pm
Sunday, February 2nd 2025, 6:30 pm
Sunday, March 2nd 2025, 6:30 pm
Sunday, April 6th 2025, 6:30 pm
Sunday, May 4th 2025, 6:30 pm
Fill Your Cup
Join us for coffee and fellowship in the AfterCare room.
Friday, September 27th 2024
Friday, October 25th 2024
Friday, November 22nd 2024
Friday, January 31st 2025
Friday, February 28th 2025
Friday March 21st 2025
Friday, April 25th 2025
Parent Night
Parent NIght is a meeting that GRACE will be sponsoring to keep parents informed about what is happening at CCLS. GRACE will report on their events, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities. The staff can talk about important things happening at school (parent/teacher conferences, Christmas program, graduation, etc.). We will end the event with a scoop of something-pie and ice cream the first month.
Thursday September 19th 2024
Tuesday, January 21st 2025
Tuesday, April 8th 2025
You’d be surprised what a few people can accomplish when they work together!
None of this can happen without YOU! We need our volunteers to help make this possible.
Join us at our GRACE meetings, which are announced on our Facebook page and the CCLS family Backpack Report.
Everyone is welcome!

Get Involved in GRACE!
GRACE is our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and is responsible for making possible many of the "extras" at CCLS. Things like iPads, Chrome Books, Smart Boards, computer labs, and television resources in the classrooms. GRACE plans and runs our wonderful Silent Auction in the Spring, the popular All-School Marathon, and so much more!
Get involved!
Parent involvement is vital for the success of our school. It helps families get more connected to the school, meet other parents, and lend a hand where needed.

GRACE stands for God's Resources Active in Christian Education. The purpose of GRACE is to develop fellowship opportunities with the families of CCLS and to raise extra funds to help support the ministry of this school.
GRACE generally meets once each month during the school year. Meetings are posted on the calendar. Everyone is welcome!
G.R.A.C.E. Officer Descriptions
Holds position for two years
Leads G.R.A.C.E. meetings
Acts as liaison to the Executive Board
Acts as liaison to the school Principal
Assists Coordinators in planning events during the year
Available for questions, but is not responsible for sole organization
Vice President
Holds position for two years
Performs duties of President in absence of that officer
Helps the President with various tasks as needed
Encourages parents to attend and participate in G.R.A.C.E. activities
Holds position for two years
Keeper of the constitution and policy documents
Records/keeps permanent records of all G.R.A.C.E. meetings
Provides access to G.R.A.C.E. meeting records
Provides an agenda for each scheduled G.R.A.C.E. meeting, one week in advance
Attends to all correspondence
Assists the President in meeting arrangements
Gives a report at all meetings
Passes all records to the succeeding Secretary at end of term
Commitment is 1-2 hours per month, in addition to attendance at G.R.A.C.E. meetings
Holds position for two years
Works with CCLS office financial staff (Amy) to receive and disburse all monies of G.R.A.C.E.
Keeps an accurate record of receipts and expenditures
Responsible for reporting at each G.R.A.C.E. meeting
G.R.A.C.E.’s books are subject to audit at any time
Submits a quarterly annual report to the CCLS Board of Directors
All records are given to the succeeding Treasurer at end of term
Commitment is 1-2 hours a month in addition to attendance at G.R.A.C.E. meetings.
Coordinator and Other Volunteer Position Descriptions
Many of these are Committee Coordinators- there should be additional volunteers to help you!! Teamwork is the best work!
All-School Marathon Coordinator: August - September
Organize the CCLS Fall Marathon Fundraiser
Coordinates with teachers
Schedules a date in September
Organizes pep rallies
Plans prizes
Sends out goal sheets
Recruits volunteers
Commitment is fairly substantial
Back-to-School Picnic Coordinator: August
Organizing the meal
Acquire necessary supplies (reimbursed by G.R.A.C.E.)
Organize volunteers
Commitment is several hours
First Day Coffee/Pastries Coordinator: August
Organize and picking up necessary supplies
Organize volunteers
Commitment is several hours
Box Top Umbrella Coordinator: Year-Round
Coordinate all clip-and-save programs, including, but not limited to:
Box Tops for Education (General Mills)
More School Rewards (Coborn’s)
Casey’s Rewards
Organize/communicate incentive programs
Count and submit labels to their respective companies
Pursue other clip-and-save programs
Work with company PR Coordinator
Commitment, usually 1-2 hours/month
Concessions Coordinator: (September - March, Every Third May)
Responsible for concessions during home games of all sporting events
Responsible for concessions when CCLS hosts Play Day
Purchasing and maintaining concession inventory
Scheduling concession workers
Overseeing cash drawer
Working with G.R.A.C.E. Treasurer to make deposits
Commitment is 2-3 hours/month during the Basketball and Volleyball sports seasons (more hours when CCLS hosts Play Day)
Homeroom Parent Coordinator: Year-Round
Notify teachers who their homeroom parent is
Remind homeroom parents to see if teachers need anything before G.R.A.C.E. meetings
Inform/coordinate homeroom parents for the following:
Spring Event class projects in March/April
Teacher Appreciation week events in May
Commitment is year-round, usually 1-2 hours/month, more in May
Homeroom Parent Volunteers: Year-Round
Help out in the classroom
Holiday parties
Organize Spring Event class project
Contribute during Teacher Appreciation Week (May)
Act as liaison between G.R.A.C.E. and teacher (report needs or concerns)
Commitment is year-round, typically less than 1 hour/month, more during Classroom Projects for the CCLS Spring Event
Outside Sign Coordinator: Year-Round
Responsible for letter placement up and removal
Keep the double-sided black sign updated with upcoming events
Commitment is year-round, typically less than 1 hour a month
Lunch Volunteer: Anytime
Sit with students during lunch
Commitment can be anytime throughout the year
Cactus Pass Jamboree Musical Play 2018
Play Coordinator: September - November, 2021, 2023, 2025
Coordinate advertising
Printing programs
Organize DVD recording
Making candy bouquets
Assist in costuming and other various tasks
Work closely with the play directors
Grandparent’s Day Refreshment Coordinator: October-November
Plan the cake and coffee
Acquire cake and necessary supplies (reimbursed by G.R.A.C.E.)
Organize volunteers to help serve
Commitment is several hours leading up to event in the fall
Parent/Teacher Conference Meal Coordinator: 2x/Year
Princess Whatsername Musical Play 2016
Organize a meal for the teachers during parent teacher conferences (reimbursed by G.R.A.C.E.)
Commitment is 1-2 hours twice a year
Movie/Popcorn Volunteers: December, 3-5 Hours
3-4 Volunteers
Make popcorn
Distribute to students
Help monitor students during movie
Commitment is 3-5 hours in December
Teacher Appreciation Week Volunteers: May
Rails to Trails Parade 2017
Collaborate with Room Parent Coordinator
Execute plan for daily events during Teacher Appreciation Week (May)
Say thank you and make the week special for the teachers. Ideas from past years:
Lunch brought in for the teachers,
Items purchased by homeroom parents of teachers’ favorite lists
Lunch helpers
Recess helpers
Rails to Trails Parade Volunteers: July
Join us in the Corn Booth Friday and/or Saturday!
Rails to Trails Parade
Play Day at CCLS:
Volunteers needed to help run events
Volunteers needed to help run concessions
We host area grade schools (Zion Lutheran - Mayer and First Lutheran - Glencoe) every three years
Spring Event Committee
Coordinates CCLS’ Annual Spring Event, the school’s largest fundraiser for the year. Involves a large committee with project team leaders for various areas (described below). Planning begins in January. Commitment and effort are substantial, especially the 6 weeks prior to the event.
Team Leaders and Examples of Team Responsibilities: (Please Note - These are meant to be teams comprised of a Team Leader and several Team Member Volunteers)
Silent Auction/Elite Silent Auction Team Leader:
Organize the Silent Auction portions of the event
Coordinate in-person and online donation requests
Log all donations as they come in
Creates bid sheets for event
Purchase tablecloths for auction tables
Obtain all donations to be displayed the day before the event
One person on the team must be Thrivent Action Team eligible (a Thrivent Member that is willing to apply for and lead a Thrivent Action Team, make purchases, etc)
Classroom Project/Classroom Basket Team Leader:
Coordinate/ensure that each classroom has an idea/plan
Coordinate/ensure that each classroom has the supplies they need
and a plan for completing their classroom project for the Elite Silent Auction portion of the Spring Event.
One person on the team must be Thrivent Action Team eligible (Include both projects and baskets in the application - see above)
Room parents will be available to help complete projects.
Help keep track of Classroom Baskets
Spread the word on baskets that need more donations
Use Thrivent card to add to baskets as needed.
Help to coordinate basket workshops
Advertising Team Leader:Spreading the word regarding the event
Makes poster boards and signage for displaying at event
Create flyers to advertise drawings/elite auction items/select silent auction items
Submit newspaper ads
Share info with St. Paul’s and St Peter’s
Share info on website/social media
Gathers sponsorships as they come into the office
Creates a sponsorship placemat to be used on meal tables at event
Print sponsorship placemats
Create the April Bulletin Board advertising the Spring Event
Works with GRACE Public Relations Chair and shares duties as appropriate
One person on the team needs to be Thrivent Action Team eligible (see above)
Meal Team Leader:
Organize the dinner portion of the Spring Event
Liaison for Uncle Neddy’s
Organize donors for the kid’s meal
Coordinate refreshments (lemonade/coffee)
Coordinate dessert
Reserve the table/chairs with rental company
Purchase tablecloths for food tables
One person on the team needs to be Thrivent Action Team eligible (see above)
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Quilters - Donating their beautiful quilt to the Spring Event Silent Auction.
Pop/Water DC Fundraiser Team Leader:
Purchase soda pop
Purchase water
Purchase ice
Purchase necessary supplies
needed during Spring Event
Organize and assign work schedule for students wishing to participate
Wine Pull Team Leader:
Collect wine donations
Set up table display with corks, tags & wine in bags
General Store Team Leader:
Display and price donations on tables the day before the eventOrganize cotton candy portion (gets machine, supplies and makes it)
One person on the team needs to be Thrivent Action Team eligible (see above)
Drawings Team Leader:
Organize drawing portion of event
Heads and Tails Game Team Leader:
Organize the game
Set up table display with signage and beads
Helps promote the game
Ensure that we have enough beads, purchase more if needed
Volunteer Sign-Up:
Contact school families to fill in the worker shifts for the event
Contact bid winners not present at auction check-out time